Genealogy and Research

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Attention Genealogist and Researchers: "Corktown: The History of a Toronto Neighbourhood and the People Who Made It," is professionally researched and cited. To purchase a book use the Contact page to send me a note.



If the family you are researching has a Toronto connection, there may be a possibility that they lived in Corktown, Toronto. Below are a handful of people I write about. Bold colored surnames have external links with information, other than that provided in my book.

[A] Abell, Aitken, Allen, Adelaide(Princess), Andoff, Armstrong
[B]  Baby, Bailey, Beard, Beaty, Bell, Bishop, Blackburn, Blankenhorn, Bowden, Bragman, Bright, Bronfman, Brown, Buchan, Burgess, Burke, Burkholder, Burns, Brooking Butland, Byler
[C]  Callwood, Campbell, Careless, Carleton, Carnochan, Caroselli, Carroll, Carson, Chapman, Chewett, Chote, Clarke, Coatsworth, Coffman, Colborne, Connolly, Copland, Cork, Coulson, Coulter, Croker
[D]  Davies, Day, Diamond, Dixon, Doyle, Dunn
[E]  Easton, Eaton, Eldridge, Ewart
[F]  Fabian, Fee, Feldman, Fraser, Frenkel, Freyseng
[G]  Gemmell; George I, George III, George IV, George V (Kings of England); Gibbs, Goldberg, Good, Gooderham, Goodman, Gordon, Gore, Grand, Greenshields, Gudewill, Gurnett
[H]  Hall, Halton, Hamilton, Hand, Hanlan, Hardisty, Harper, Harris, Hartney, Hastings, Hay, Helliwell, Henry I (King of England), Herbert, Heron, Hilliard, Hime, Hollander, Holmes, Honderich, Howard, Humphreys, Hurley
[I]   Irving
[J]  Jones, John Paul II (Pope)
[K]  Kelly, Ketchum, Kielburger, Kimoff, Kolesnikoff, Konya
[L]  Lamarche, Lamb, Lambton, Lawless, Lee, leMay, Lemos, Lennox, Litz, Loblaw, Long, Lougheed
[M]  Mackenzie, MacMillan, Mair, Maitland, Mandela, Marks, Marsh, Massey, Massman, McCarthy, McCulloch, McGill, McIlroy, Medcalf, Mintz, Moffat, Mogan, Morrissey,
[N]  Nefsky, Nicholson
[O]  O’Connell, O’Connor, O’Farrell, O’Hagan
[P]  Park, Parkinson, Paterson, Pearson, Pedlow, Pell, Peroff, Phillips, Platon, Powell, Power, Preston
[Q]  Queen Victoria, Quigly
[R]  Ramsay (Ramsey), Ray, Read, Reid, Reinhardt, Riches, Ridout, Ritchey, Rizenman, Roberts, Robins
[S]  Sanson, Scadding, Schwartz, Sherwood, Shirriff, Shuter, Simcoe, Simpson, Sleet, Small, Smith, Stanley, Stephens, Stibbs, Storm, Stoyell, Strachan, Strong, Sturgess, Sullivan, Sylvester
[T]  Taylor, Thom, Thomas, Treble, Turner
[V]  Vance, Vaughan, Virgin, Vise
[W] Ward, Wickson, Wilkins, Willinsky, Wilmot, Worts

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